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윈도우 서비스 등록 방법 윈도우 서비스 등록 방법 sc create [서비스 이름] binpath= [서비스 파일 경로] -> ex) sc create TestServer binpath= "D:\Test\test.exe" binpth= 뒤에 공백을 한칸 꼭 둬야 한다. 윈도우 서비스 삭제 방법 sc delete [서비스 이름] -> ex) sc delete TestServer 윈도우 서비스 실행 방법 sc start [서비스 이름] -> ex) sc start TestServer 윈도우 서비스 중지 방법 sc stop [서비스 이름] -> ex) sc stop TestServer 출처 https://klero.tistory.com/entry/sc-%EB%AA%85%EB%A0%B9%EC%96%B4%EB%A5%BC-%ED%86%B5.. 2022. 7. 21.
[AWS] [활용] 일정 시간 지난 파일들을 삭제하는 방법 메모장을 킨 후 위 명령어를 입력 위 명령어 해석 /p "경로" /s 하위폴더를 포함하여 검색 /m 검색할 단어 (*.*은 모든 파일을 삭제 원하는 확장자가 있다면 *.txt 같이 뒤에 확장자 명을 적어주면 된다.) /d 날짜(-3은 3일 이전까지) /c 명령어(del 명령어 사용) @file -> 파일 이름 반환 @fname -> 확장자 없이 파일명만 반환 @ext -> 확장자만 반환 @path -> 전체경로 반환 @relpath -> 상대경로 반환 @isdir -> 디렉토리면 "true" 파일이면 "false" 반환 @fsize -> 파일 사이즈 반환 @fdate -> 최종수정일 반환 @ftime -> 최종수정시간 반환 마지막에 확장자를 .bat 파일로 변경시켜서 실행하면 생성된지 3일 이상인 명령어.. 2022. 7. 20.
[AWS] Data Link and Migration 데이터베이스 링크(Database Link)란? 데이터베이스 링크는 클라이언트 또는 현재의 데이터베이스에서 네트워크상의 다른 데이터베이스에 접속하기 위한 접속 설정을 정의하는 오라클 객체이다. DB Link를 설정을 하면 한 DB에서 다른 DB의 내용을 볼 수 있게 되는것인데, 쉽게 말하자면 'A'DB에서 'B'DB로 DB Link를 걸고자 한다면 우선 'A'DB의 TNSNames.ORA 파일에 'B' DB 접속 정보를 추가해준다. 물론 그 전에 두 DB간에 1521(기본 포트)가 열려 있어야 한다. MySQL의 경우는 3306이 되겠다. MYSQL에서는 FEDERATED를 사용한다. MYSQL에서 물리적으로 같은 서버면, 조회 권한만 주어 alias를 붙여서 다른 db끼리 Join 및 조회를 할수가 있.. 2022. 7. 20.
[AWS] GIT 과 SVN의 차이점 1. GIT 이란? 깃은 컴퓨터 파일의 변경 사항을 추적하고 여러 명의 사용자들 간 해당 파일들의 작업을 조율하기 위한 분산버전 관리 시스템이다. 소프트웨어 개발에서 소스코드 관리에 주로 사용되지만 어떠한 파일 집합의 변경사항을 지속적으로 추적하기 위해 사용될 수 있다. 2005년 리누스 토르발스가 처음 개발했다. 2. SVN이란? 아파치 서브버전이라고 하고 서브버전이라고도 하는 SVN은 자유 소프트웨어 버전 관리 시스템이다. 명령줄 인터페이스에서 사용하는 명령어를 따서 SVN이라고 줄여 부르며 제한이 있던 CVS를 대처하기 위해서 2000년부터 콜랩넷에서 개발되었다. 서브 버전은 클라이언트 서버 모델을 따른다. 서버는 작업하는 컴퓨터내에 둘 수도 있고, 전산망에 연결된 별도의 컴퓨터에 두고 사용할 수도.. 2022. 7. 19.
[AWS][GITLAB] sourcetree란 무엇인가? 1. GIT GUI란 무엇인가? Git은 버전제어 시스템 중 하나입니다. 프로젝트는 규모를 막론하고 코드를 저장하고 관리하기 위해서 Git 리포지토리를 구현합니다. GIt을 사용하면 유용한 통합 기능을 제공하므로 모든 포르젝트 또는 팀과 함께 작업하기가 쉬워집니다. Git GUI란 Git GUI(Graphial User Interface)의 약자로 초보자가 명령이나 작업을 이해하기 쉽도록 프로젝트 히스토리를 시각화 해주는 도구입니다. 2. SourceTree란 무엇인가? SourceTree는 Atlassian이 개발한 무료 Git 클라이언트입니다. GitHub Desktop과 비교했을때 SourceTree는 고도로 발전했으며 UI에서 사용할 수 있는 많은 기능과 작업이 제공됩니다. 이 클라이언트는 Win.. 2022. 7. 18.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 338 A business utilizes an AWS Lambda function to retrieve and decrypt data from Amazon S3. These files are encrypted using Customer Master Keys for AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS CMKs). A solutions architect must create a solution that properly sets the needed permissions. Which action combination does this? (Select two.) A. Attach the kms:decrypt permission to the Lambda function's resource p.. 2022. 7. 15.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 337 A business has deployed a multi-tier application on many Amazon EC2 instances in an Auto Scaling group. Amazon RDS for Oracle instances serve as the application's data layer, using Oracle-native PL/SQL operations. The application's traffic has been continuously rising. This overloads the EC2 instances and causes the RDS instance to run out of storage. The Auto Scaling group lacks scaling metrics.. 2022. 7. 15.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 336 A business keeps sensitive user data in an Amazon S3 bucket. The organization wishes to safeguard access to this bucket from the application layer, which is comprised of Amazon EC2 instances operating inside a VPC. Which actions should a solutions architect use in conjunction to achieve this? (Select two.) A. Configure a VPC gateway endpoint for Amazon S3 within the VPC. B. Create a bucket polic.. 2022. 7. 15.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 335 A solutions architect is converting a monolithic online application for a client into a multi-tier application. The business wishes to abstain from controlling its own infrastructure. The web application's minimal requirements include high availability, scalability, and regionally low latency during peak hours. Additionally, the solution should be capable of storing and retrieving data with a mi.. 2022. 7. 15.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 334 A business wishes to lower the cost of Amazon S3 storage in its production environment while maintaining the durability and performance of the stored items. What is the FIRST move that the business should take to accomplish these goals? A. Enable Amazon Macie on the business-critical S3 buckets to classify the sensitivity of the objects. B. Enable S3 analytics to identify S3 buckets that are can.. 2022. 7. 15.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 333 Multiple production apps are hosted by a business. One of the apps utilizes Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, Amazon RDS, Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), and Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) resources distributed across various AWS Regions. All business resources are marked with the tag 'application' and a value unique to each application. A solutions architect's job is to offer t.. 2022. 7. 15.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 332 Recently, a corporation built Linux-based application instances on Amazon EC2 in a private subnet and a Linux-based bastion host on an Amazon EC2 instance in a VPC's public subnet. A solutions architect must establish connections from the on-premises network to the bastion host and application servers through the company's internet connection. The solutions architect must ensure that all EC2 ins.. 2022. 7. 15.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 331 A business has developed an application that analyzes inventory data by using overnight digital photographs of items on shop shelves. The application is deployed on Amazon EC2 instances behind an Application Load Balancer (ALB) and retrieves photos from an Amazon S3 bucket for metadata processing by worker nodes. A solutions architect must guarantee that worker nodes process each picture. What a.. 2022. 7. 14.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 330 A solutions architect must host a high-performance computing (HPC) workload on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The workload will be dispersed over hundreds of Amazon EC2 instances and will need concurrent access to a shared file system in order to facilitate distributed processing of big datasets. Multiple instances of the same dataset will be accessible concurrently. The workload demands an access l.. 2022. 7. 14.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 329 A business has two AWS accounts: one for production and one for development. There are code modifications ready to be sent to the Production account from the Development account. Only two senior developers on the development team need access to the Production account during the alpha phase. During the beta phase, more developers may need access to undertake testing. What recommendations should a.. 2022. 7. 14.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 328 The HTTP application of a business is protected by a Network Load Balancer (NLB). The target group of the NLB is set to use an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group with numerous EC2 instances running the web service. The firm sees that the application's HTTP faults are not being detected by the NLB. These problems need a manual restart of the web service's EC2 instances. The organization need a way to .. 2022. 7. 14.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 327 A solutions architect is tasked with the responsibility of creating the architecture for a new online application. The application will be hosted on AWS Fargate containers with an Application Load Balancer (ALB) and a PostgreSQL database hosted on Amazon Aurora. The web application will largely do read-only operations on the database. What should the solutions architect do to assure the website'.. 2022. 7. 14.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 326 A business collects organized clickstream data from numerous websites and analyzes it using batch processing. Each day, the firm gets 100 million event records, each of which is around 1 KB in size. Each night, the organization imports data onto Amazon Redshift, which business analysts ingest. The organization wishes to transition to near-real-time data processing in order to provide timely insi.. 2022. 7. 14.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 325 A business's customer relationship management (CRM) application stores data on an Amazon RDS database instance running Microsoft SQL Server. The database is administered by the company's information technology personnel. The database includes confidential information. The organization want to guarantee that data is inaccessible to IT professionals and is only seen by authorized people. What step.. 2022. 7. 14.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 324 A single AWS account allows a business to host its internet-facing containerized web application on an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) cluster. The EKS cluster is located inside a VPC's private subnet. The EKS cluster is accessed by system administrators through a bastion server on a public network. The company's new security policy prohibits the usage of bastion hosts. Additional.. 2022. 7. 14.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 323 A business is transferring a huge, mission-critical database to Amazon Web Services (AWS). A solutions architect has chosen to utilize an Amazon RDS for MySQL Multi-AZ DB instance with storage capacity of 80,000 Provisioned IOPS. The data transfer is being carried out by the solutions architect utilizing AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS). The relocation process is taking longer than antic.. 2022. 7. 14.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 322 A business is developing a new application that will operate in a virtual private cloud on Amazon EC2 instances. The program stores data in Amazon S3 and accesses it using Amazon DynamoDB. The corporation forbids any communication between EC2 instances and other AWS services from traveling over the public internet for compliance concerns. What can a solution architect do to satisfy this criterio.. 2022. 7. 14.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 321 A business runs a multi-tier web application that stores data on an Amazon Aurora MySQL DB cluster. Amazon EC2 instances are used to host the application tier. The company's information technology security policies require that database credentials be encrypted and changed every 14 days. What should a solutions architect do in order to satisfy this demand with the LEAST amount of operational wor.. 2022. 7. 14.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 320 A corporation uses AWS to power its two-tier ecommerce website. The web tier is comprised of a load balancer that routes traffic to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud machines. The database layer is implemented using an Amazon RDS database instance. The EC2 instances and the RDS database instance should not be made publicly accessible. Internet connectivity is required for the EC2 instances to complet.. 2022. 7. 14.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 319 Every 90 days, a security team must enforce the rotation of all IAM users' access keys. If an access key is discovered to be out of date, it must be rendered inactive. and eliminated. A solutions architect must design a solution that will detect and remediate keys that are more than 90 days old. Which solution satisfies these criteria with the LEAST amount of operational effort? A. Create an AWS.. 2022. 7. 14.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 318 A solutions architect must develop an automated solution to a company's compliance policy that prohibits security groups from including a rule allowing SSH from If there is a violation of the policy, the business must be informed. A solution is required immediately. What actions should the solutions architect take to ensure that these criteria are met with the LEAST amount of operatio.. 2022. 7. 14.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 317 An ecommerce firm is developing an application that will handle payments through a third-party payment provider. The payment provider must expressly permit access to the public IP address of the server making the payment request. However, the company's security regulations prohibit the direct connection of any server to the public internet. Which solution will satisfy these criteria? A. Provisio.. 2022. 7. 14.
[AWS] Putty 자동로그인 설정 / MYSQL 터널링 설정 ## MSSQL 접속을 위한 SSMS 사용시, XSHELL 로 터널링 구성할 것!! ## Putty 자동로그인 설정 ## MySQL 터널링 설정 - 노트북에서 로컬 접속 테스트 : telnet localhost 3306 2022. 7. 13.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 316 An Amazon EC2 instance is created in a new VPC's private subnet. Although this subnet lacks outward internet connectivity, the EC2 instance requires the ability to obtain monthly security updates from a third-party vendor. What actions should a solutions architect take to ensure that these criteria are met? A. Create an internet gateway, and attach it to the VPC. Configure the private subnet rou.. 2022. 7. 13.
[AWS][SAA][EXAMTOPICS] Question 315 A business wishes to use a customized distributed program for the purpose of calculating numerous profit and loss situations. To do this, the business must establish a network connection between its Amazon EC2 instances. The connection must have a low latency and a high throughput. Which solution will satisfy these criteria? A. Provision the application to use EC2 Dedicated Hosts of the same ins.. 2022. 7. 13.