## 로그 그룹 이름은 꼭 aws-waf-logs- 로 시작해야함, 그렇지 않으면 waf에서 인식을 못함, 보존 설정은 원하는 날짜 지정
쿼리 목록
1. 요청한 IP Top 10
fields @timestamp, httpRequest.clientIp as httpRequest.uri, ruleGroupList.ruleId as ruleId, action
| stats count(*) as requestCount by httpRequest.clientIp
| sort requestCount desc
| limit 10
2. host 목록 top 10
fields @timestamp, httpRequest.headers.0.value
| stats count() as requestCount by httpRequest.headers.0.value
| sort requestCount desc
| limit 10
3. block IP and URI
fields @timestamp, httpRequest.uri, action, httpRequest.clientIp
| filter action = 'BLOCK'
| stats count(*) as requestCount by httpRequest.clientIp, httpRequest.uri, action
| sort requestCount desc
| limit 20
4. Block Count
fields @timestamp, action, httpRequest.clientIp, httpRequest.country, httpRequest.uri, terminatingRuleId
| sort @timestamp desc
| filter action="BLOCK" or action="COUNT"
| limit 100
Analyzing AWS WAF logs using Amazon CloudWatch Logs Insights and Contributor Insights
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